On 31 July 2014 the AEMC (Commission) made a final determination in relation to the Governance of retail market procedures rule change request. It determined not to make a rule.

The rule change request sought to rationalise the processes to make retail market procedures required by Chapter 7 of the National Electricity Rules, including business-to-business (B2B) procedures, under a single integrated framework to be managed by AEMO.

The Commission is not satisfied that a case has been made to shift the control of B2B procedures to AEMO, considering that the existing industry-led approach remains appropriate under current conditions. While changes to the B2B arrangements may be necessary in the future to support wider market developments, consideration of significant amendments would be more appropriately addressed within the context of more detailed frameworks. These include the current and forthcoming reviews and rule changes, such as the Expanding competition in metering and related services rule change request, recommended by the Power of Choice review.