The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has extended the time for making a final rule and final determination to give electricity customers with shared fusing greater certainty over when their meter will be installed or fixed until 21 May 2020.
This extension of the Introduction of metering coordinator planned interruptions rule change request is necessary due to the complexity of issues and alternative solutions raised by stakeholders in submissions to the draft determination.
It will allow the Commission to conduct additional consultation on stakeholders’ suggested amendments to the draft rule, as well as a potential alternative solution raised by some stakeholders.
Shared fusing is when customers share electricity connections, for example in some apartment blocks. In these instances, metering work may mean interrupting the supply to all customers who share the connection.
The Commission will be holding a stakeholder workshop remotely, details to follow shortly. If you are interested in attending this workshop, please email
Submissions to the draft determination
The Commission received 25 submissions from a range of stakeholders including consumer representatives, distributors, retailers, metering coordinator and market bodies. A number of metering coordinators and retailers proposed an alternative to the solution proposed in the draft determination. All submissions are published on the project page on our website.
Media: Kellie Bisset, Media and Content Manager 0407 418 424
Background: Metering roles and responsibilities