The Australian Energy Market Commission today made a draft rule to require network companies to provide detailed connection point data to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) at its request.

Connection point information is important for AEMO to identify changes in demand across electricity networks, particularly in the context of the energy market’s current transformation in response to the dynamic and widening adoption of embedded generation and storage which ranges from solar panels on family homes to local, onsite generation in commercial buildings.

This determination may result in improved long term electricity demand forecasts developed and published by AEMO to help guide investment decisions in networks across different regions so the poles and wires are not expanded more than necessary.

The draft rule determination follows a rule change request from the COAG Energy Council which was prepared in line with the 2012 COAG endorsed energy reform package. One of the objectives of this package was for costs or benefits associated with falling demand for electricity to be shared appropriately with consumers through lower network charges.

Submissions on the draft rule determination are due by 10 September 2015.