Distribution Reliability Measures: Draft Report Released for Comment. 

19 June 2014

The AEMC today called for public submissions on its draft report on Distribution Reliability Measures.  The report proposes the use of a consistent set of measures for reliability performance in electricity distribution networks. The report presents common definitions for distribution reliability targets and outcomes across the National Electricity Market (NEM).

The draft measures were developed in response to the COAG Energy Council's request for a national approach to reliability performance in distribution networks in line with recommendations made by the AEMC's Review of the National Framework for Distribution Reliability (September 2013).

Electricity networks are required to meet the reliability standards set by jurisdictions across the NEM. The costs of meeting those standards feed into system costs and ultimately affects the electricity prices paid by consumers. Currently different approaches are used by jurisdictions and the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) to determine how reliability should be measured.

The AEMC is proposing a consistent set of measure of reliability that would allow the AER to better benchmark reliability performance and improve its ability to determine revenues that are consistent with the efficient delivery of required levels of reliability.

Submissions on the draft report are due by 5pm on 18 July 2014.


For information contact:

AEMC Senior Director, Chantelle Bramley (02) 8296 7800

AEMC Director – Technical Specialist, Julian Eggleston (02) 8296 7800


Media: Communication Manager, Prudence Anderson 0404 821 935 or (02) 8296 7817