The Australian Energy Market Commission has started consultation on a proposal submitted by ERM Power  to clarify the rights and obligations of various parties involved in the meter replacement process.

The rule change request seeks to recognise ‘prospective’ metering parties in the National Electricity Rules. The prospective metering provider – typically engaged by a new retailer contracted by a consumer switching retailers – would have the right to change the meter at a connection point prior to the formal retail transfer being completed.

The goal of the rule change request is to enable a consumer who has switched retailers to receive the full service offered by their new retailer from the start of their contract.

This rule change request only deals with replacement of meters, where a consumer has asked for a new retail service which may be supported by a new meter.

The issues raised in this rule change will be considered in the context of the related Competition in Metering and Related Services rule change, which aims to remove the networks’ effective metering monopoly and allow new competitors to offer metering services for all customers.

The AEMC will be hosting a workshop on this rule change in Sydney from 10am on Tuesday 16 June, and will provide stakeholders with a discussion on issues associated with the rule change request.

Interested stakeholders can register for the workshop here

Submissions on the rule change request and the Consultation Paper will close on 2 July 2015.

For more information:

Media: Prudence Anderson, Communications Manager, 02 8296 7800