The AEMC has released a consultation paper on a proposed rule change to clarify and update some of the rules relating to the Reliability Panel’s (Panel) governance arrangements under the National Electricity Rules (NER).
The Reliability Panel determines standards and some of the guidelines used by AEMO and participants which help maintain a secure and reliable power system for consumers. Its members represent a range of participants in the national electricity market including consumer groups, generators, network businesses, retailers and AEMO.
This rule change request, submitted by the Panel, seeks changes in the NER including:
- the ability to nominate an acting Chair if needed
- clarifying the role of discretionary members and how they are appointed
- the introduction of more streamlined consultation processes where appropriate
- publishing the Panel’s Annual Market Performance Review on a financial year, rather than calendar year basis, to make it easier for stakeholders to compare information.
The rule change request is the outcome of the Panel’s internal work on updating its current governance arrangements, given the pace of change in the energy market.
The AEMC considers this to be a non-controversial rule change proposal and is proceeding under an expedited process, with a final rule due in June 2018.
Subject to any objections to the expedited process, this will be the only round of consultation. Objections to the use of the expedited process must be lodged by 10 May 2018. Submissions on the rule change request are due by 24 May 2018.
Media: Prudence Anderson, Communication Director, 0404 821 935 or (02) 8296 7817.