The AEMC’s Reliability Panel has published a consultation paper on the review of the guidelines used in reviewing key settings aimed at ensuring a reliable power supply.
The guidelines set out the principles and assumptions the Panel will use when it reviews the reliability standard and settings. The reliability standard is a figure for an acceptable level of reliability in the national electricity market at the lowest possible cost.
The Panel considers that given the transformation in the electricity market since the guidelines were first established, it is important to update them.
The next reliability standard and settings review will commence in mid-2021 and must be completed by April 2022. This timely given the ESB’s work on post 2025 market design, which is due to Energy Ministers by mid 2021. The Panel is working closely to coordinate its work with that of the ESB’s. The timing of the RSS review will allow consideration of how the final recommended post 2025 market design will impact on the reliability standards and settings before completion of the review.
The consultation paper provides an overview of what is being considered in the review of guidelines, including:
- A review of analytical framework to guide the Panel’s determination of the standard and settings
- A review of the description of the matters the Panel will consider in each review, and
- A review of the description of any modelling the Panel uses in each review.
Stakeholders are invited to make submissions to the consultation paper by 8 April 2021. Stakeholders are welcome to request a meeting to discuss specific issues in more detail, if they consider this would help in the process of consultation.
Media: Kellie Bisset, Media and Content Manager, 0438 490 041