A consultation paper released today seeks feedback on two proposals to change the reactive current access standards that apply to inverter-based resources.
The paper considers the risks that inverter-based resources currently present to the maintenance of stable voltage levels at their connection point following a fault. It also covers the issues and solutions raised by the proponents and seeks stakeholder feedback on the criteria that will inform the Commission’s assessment of the proposals.
Reactive current access standards are part of a suite of performance standards that generators, loads and bi-directional units must prove that they can comply with when they connect to the national electricity market (NEM). This ensures that connecting plant behaves in a predictable manner that benefits the security and stability of the power system, both in normal operating conditions and following disturbances.
The consultation paper consolidates two rule change requests: from Renewable Energy Revolution Pty, and from a consortium of wind turbine original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
Written submissions are due by 23 June 2022.
The next step - preparing the draft determination - is due by 3 November 2022. This timeline extends our normal consultation process by approximately two months, allowing time to consult further with stakeholders and undertake quantitative studies.
Visit the project page for more information and contact details.