Today the AEMC is commencing a new work program to support the ongoing decarbonisation of the energy sector. 

The first projects in this program are a review into extending the energy market rules to low-level hydrogen and renewable gases, and a rule change request for the Victorian declared wholesale gas market (DWGM).  


Energy ministers have asked the AEMC to review the National Gas Rules and National Energy Retail Rules to determine what changes are necessary to include low-level hydrogen blends and renewable gases in the frameworks. 

The terms of reference for the review describe the purpose of these reforms as a priority under the National Hydrogen Strategy. It is an essential step in the development of a decarbonised gas sector. 

The review formally begins on 21 October 2021 with the release of a consultation paper. 

Rule change process

Also, on 21 October the AEMC will initiate a rule change process for the National Gas Rules applying to the Victorian DWGM. This will assess a request made by the Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change that seeks to enable that market to recognise distribution connected facilities. These facilities may include hydrogen and renewable gas facilities as well as others such as storage. 

The AEMC will formally commence this rule change process on 21 October 2021 with the release of a consultation paper. 

Other concurrent work

In addition, jurisdictional officials will start a related review to identify amendments for the National Gas Law and National Energy Retail Law. 

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) will also carry out a review of the relevant gas market procedures to make amendments that will support the use of low-level hydrogen blends and renewable gases. 

Public forum

A virtual public forum will be held in conjunction with the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources and AEMO from 1pm (AEST), Friday 22 October 2021. To register your interest in attending please email 

Visit the project pages for the review and rule change for more information and contact details.