The AEMC today published an interim report for our review into the effectiveness of gas pipeline regulation. This review is looking at Parts 8 to 12 of the National Gas Rules (NGR) to address concerns that consumers may be paying more than necessary for gas pipeline services.

The interim report summarises stakeholder submissions to the issues paper and sets out issues for further consideration.

The review is considering whether rules need to be changed so that pipeline services are subject to appropriate regulation, including price regulation. It is also considering strengthening rules relating to access negotiation and dispute resolution between pipeline service providers and their customers.

Our analysis will be informed by the experiences of gas consumers, industry participants, regulators and governments.

We are working closely with the Gas Market Reform Group, established by the COAG Energy Council, which is implementing recommendations from the AEMC’s east coast gas review to make it easier to buy and sell gas. We are also consulting the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, Australian Energy Regulator and the Economic Regulation Authority of Western Australia. 

The AEMC will publish a draft report with recommended  actions in February 2018 and provide a final report to the COAG Energy Council in June 2018.

Media: Prudence Anderson 0404 821 935 or (02) 8296 7817.