The AEMC today initiated a rule change request from the COAG Energy Council to undertake a range of improvements to the Natural Gas Services Bulletin Board. This request will be fast-tracked under provisions in the National Gas Law and a draft determination will be published within five weeks.
The rule request is part of the AEMC’s package of gas market reforms, endorsed by the Council, which are designed to support faster and more efficient gas trading and access to pipeline transportation along the east coast of Australia.
The Bulletin Board, which is managed by the Australian Energy Market Operator, provides up-to-date gas system and market information to help participants make more informed decisions about trading, investing in, or using gas. The rule change request proposes to increase the amount and frequency of data reported on the Bulletin Board, along with greater data accuracy requirements and a stronger compliance framework.
The request reflects the recommendations made by the Commission in our East Coast Gas Market and Pipeline Frameworks review and outlined in the Stage 2 Final Report: Information Provision.
In developing the final report, the Commission consulted extensively on the issues and recommendations which are contained within the rule change request. As comprehensive consultation has already taken place, we are using a fast-track process for this request, which means there will be no first round consultation.
Stakeholders will have the opportunity to make submissions on the draft determination which is due to be published by 18 July 2017.
Media: Prudence Anderson 0404 821 935 or (02) 8296 7817