SA: Moomba to Adelaide Pipeline System

SA: Moomba to Adelaide Pipeline System

The Moomba to Adelaide Pipeline System (MAPS) is a system of transmission pipelines operating across eastern South Australia. The pipeline system is owned and operated by Epic Energy South Australia Pty Ltd (EESA, a wholly owned subsidiary of QIC Global Infrastructure (QIC)).

The MAPS is 1,184 km in length and has a capacity of 241 TJ/day. The pipeline system comprises of a mainline from the Moomba processing plant in the northeast of South Australia to Adelaide and two major lateral pipelines to the regional centres of Port Pirie/Whyalla and Angaston. 

Gas is sourced from conventional gas fields in the Cooper basin. Since 2008, with the completion of the QSN Link which connects to MAPS at Moomba and the change in flow direction on the South West Queensland Pipeline (SWQP), gas can also be sourced from conventional and coal seam gas fields in the Bowen-Surat basin in Queensland.

The MAPS is currently a non-scheme pipeline, and is subject to the access regime for non-scheme pipelines under Chapter 6A of the NGL and Part 23 of the NGR. The MAPS was initially a covered pipeline and was regulated by the ACCC under the Gas Code. However, in 2007, coverage of MAPS under the Gas Code was revoked. 

The MAPS was constructed in 1969 to service the South Australian gas market. In April 2013, QIC acquired MAPS from the APA Group. The APA Group acquired MAPS in December 2012 when it completed its takeover of Hastings Diversified Utilities Fund (HDF, the investment fund behind Epic Energy). The MAPS was one of several pipelines across Australia owned by Epic Energy. As part of its acquisition of HDF, APA made an undertaking to the ACCC to divest the MAPS asset. In May 2013, QIC purchased MAPS together with the South East Pipeline System (SEPS) from APA. In 2015, SEA Gas and Epic Energy announced the successful interconnection of the Moomba to Adelaide Pipeline system (MAPS) and the SEA Gas pipeline. The connection allows natural gas to flow from the SEA Gas pipeline to the MAPS.

Pipeline details






241 TJ/day




Epic Energy Pty Limited


Epic Energy Pty Limited


1,184 km

Gas Type:

Natural gas

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Title Date Documents
Ministerial decision on revocation of coverage 2007-09-16 Coverage decision
Final recommendation on revocation of coverage - NCC 2005-12-14 Coverage decision
Amended access arrangement schedules by order of the Australian Competition Tribunal 2004-02-18 Previous access arrangements
Amended access arrangement by order of the Australian Competition Tribunal 2004-02-18 Previous access arrangements
ACCC approved access arrangement 2002-07-31 Previous access arrangements
Revised access arrangement information - Epic Energy 2000-01-22 Previous access arrangements
MAPS pipeline description Pipeline description
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