Rule Change: Completed
On 31 October 2017 the AEMC published a final rule determination to amend the time for AEMO to respond to requests for investigations of an unintended scheduling result in the Victorian declared wholesale gas market (DWGM).
Under the final rule, AEMO must publish a decision in response to a request for an investigation of an unintended scheduling result by the later of either:
- 20 business days after the request was made; or
- 20 business days after the issue of final statements which include the gas day of the relevant operating schedule.
The Commission has made 1 November 2017 the commencement date of the final rule so that the changes can apply immediately.
AEMO operates the Victorian declared wholesale gas market (DWGM) according to the National Gas Rules (NGR) and associated procedures. On occasions, AEMO may issue scheduling instructions for the market’s operating schedule that are erroneous. Such incorrect scheduling instructions may meet the requirements of an ‘unintended scheduling result’.
A market participant can currently request that AEMO investigate if an unintended scheduling result has occurred. The NGR require AEMO to investigate the matter and publish a decision by no later than 20 business days from the date of receipt of the request. Depending on when the request is made, the 20 business day cut off may occur before AEMO obtains final settlement data.
AEMO has proposed in its rule change request extend the deadline for when a decision on whether an unintended scheduling result has occurred must be published to the later of:
- 20 business days after the request was made; or
- 20 business days after the publication of final statements.
The AEMC considered that the rule change request should be subject to the expedited rule making process. Written objections to the expedited process closed on 3 October 2017. No objections were received.
Submissions in response to the rule change request and consultation paper were to be submitted by 17 October 2017. No submissions were received.