Rule Change: Completed


On 13 March 2014, the AEMC published the final rule determination and final rule on AEMO’s Publication of the GSOO and gas VAPR rule change proposal. The AEMC decided to change and align the publication dates of the GSOO and gas VAPR to 31 March of a given year and reduce the publication frequency of the gas VAPR to once every two years. The final rule commences on 1 April 2014.
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On 13 March 2014, the AEMC published the final rule determination and final rule on AEMO’s Publication of the GSOO and gas VAPR rule change proposal. The AEMC decided to change and align the publication dates of the GSOO and gas VAPR to 31 March of a given year and reduce the publication frequency of the gas VAPR to once every two years. The final rule commences on 1 April 2014.


In this rule change proposal, AEMO requested to change the:

  • publication dates of the Gas Statement of Opportunities (GSOO) and gas Victorian Annual Planning Report (VAPR) to 31 March of a given year to allow for more time to include the most recent winter data and for stakeholder comment; and
  • frequency of publishing the gas VAPR from an annual to a biennial publication cycle.

On 30 January 2014, the AEMC initiated its assessment of this rule change proposal and published a consultation paper seeking submissions.

The AEMC decided to assess this rule change proposal under an expedited rule making process as a non-controversial rule subject to the receipt of written objections by 13 February 2014. No objections were received. Accordingly, the AEMC continued to assess this rule change request under an expedited rule making process

On 27 February 2014 submissions on the consultation paper were due and two submissions were received.

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