Rule Change: Open


On 20 March 2024, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) published a consultation paper for a rule change request to establish an advanced notice of closure reporting obligation under the National Gas Rules (NGR). The request was submitted by Energy Senior Officials on behalf of the Energy Ministers’ Sub-Group.
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On 20 March 2024, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) published a consultation paper for a rule change request to establish an advanced notice of closure reporting obligation under the National Gas Rules (NGR). The request was submitted by Energy Senior Officials on behalf of the Energy Ministers’ Sub-Group.

The rule change request seeks to create a requirement in the NGR for operators of gas supply and delivery infrastructure to provide at least 36 months’ notice of the closure of gas production, transmission pipelines, compressors, and storage facilities. The proponent proposes to achieve this by extending the medium-term capacity reporting requirements in Part 18 (Gas Bulletin Board) of the NGR. 

This is one of four rule changes proposed as part of Stage 2 of the reliability and supply adequacy (RSA) reforms for the East Coast Gas System (ECGS).  

We are interested in stakeholder views on the issues raised in the rule change request and the proposed solution.  

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