
Title Author Date Sort ascending
Collaboration is key to designing the grid of the future Ed Chan
Making our changing market more resilient Christiaan Zuur
Overcoming the split incentive problem for solar PV - under review in peer-reviewed journal Assoc Prof Tim Nelson, Tracey Dodd, Rosanna Vazey and Aleks Smits
Finally, your electricity bill looks set to fall. Here’s how much you could save Assoc Prof Tim Nelson and Dr Alan Rai
The National Electricity Market in Australia after 20 years Dr Alan Rai and Assoc Prof Tim Nelson
Investment in solar and wind generation in Australia- lessons learned Dr Julian Eggleston, Assoc Prof Tim Nelson, Tom Walker, Greg Williams
Efficient integration of climate and energy policy in Australia Assoc Prof Tim Nelson, Owen Pascoe, Prabpreet Calais, Lily Mitchell and Judith McNeill
Profiling the capacity market debate Greg Williams
Retail innovation in batteries and related technologies James Hyatt, Kate Wild and Ben Davis
Glimpses of a new market dynamic in Queensland Oliver Nunn
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