The AEMC will deliver a draft determination for the Synchronous services market and Capacity commitment mechanism rule changes by 30 June 2022, and a final determination on Primary frequency response incentive arrangement by 7 July 2022.
The extension of the three related rule changes responds to the complexity of the decisions and the need for more detailed designs for some aspects of the work. It also fulfils stakeholder requests for additional time to respond to material, particularly given the number of other rule changes and reform projects underway in the sector.
We will now work with AEMO, AER, and stakeholders to investigate design elements related to:
- a mechanism that can explicitly value, procure and schedule the delivery of system services when needed.
- incentive arrangements that complement the mandatory PFR arrangement and reward plant behaviour that helps control power system frequency.
These projects play an important part in delivering the Energy Security Board’s post-2025 reforms and complement other reforms currently being implemented for system strength and fast frequency response. The additional time allows us to work through the complex issues in greater depth and consult with stakeholders on key issues raised so far.
Find further information and contact details on the project pages for:
• Primary frequency response incentive arrangements
• Synchronous services markets
• Capacity commitment mechanism for system security and reliability