The Reliability Panel today published the final report for the template for generator compliance programs review. The report provides recommendations to improve the template’s clarity and to reflect changes in generation technology, new monitoring techniques and changes in plant operational modes.
The template is designed to assist registered participants who own or operate plant to which performance standards apply, generally generators, with developing and designing their compliance programs to meet the relevant performance standard. It also assists the Australian Energy Regulator with the enforcement and monitoring of the generators' compliance with the technical requirements under the National Electricity Rules.
Effective compliance with performance standards contributes to the delivery of reliable and secure electricity to Australian consumers.
The National Electricity Rules require registered participants to modify their performance standards compliance programs to be consistent with the amended template within six months of it being published by the Panel.
The Reliability Panel was established by the Australian Energy Market Commission under the National Electricity Law. It determines standards and guidelines which help maintain a secure and reliable power system. For more information on the Reliability Panel, visit