The Australian Energy Market Commission today released a consultation paper on the implementation of a ‘shared market protocol’ for smart maters. This protocol would define the language or format of communication used to transmit messages between parties accessing the services available from smart meters.

A shared market protocol is an important step in the reform program to establish a competitive market for services enabled by smart meters. It is being undertaken alongside the related rule change process on competition in metering and related services.

The consultation paper released today sets out the issues that will be considered by the AEMC in developing its advice to the COAG Energy Council on implementing the shared market protocol and seeks stakeholder feedback on a number of issues.

Submissions are due by Thursday 12 February 2015.

This work follows the Commission’s 2012 Power of Choice review, which set out proposed reforms to support greater participation by consumers in Australia’s electricity market such as supporting development of a competitive energy services market.  

A competitive energy services market will allow consumers to benefit from a wider range of energy services and products such as smart meters and other tools to respond to time-of-use pricing, off-peak charging of electric vehicles and faster retailer switching.