Market Review: Completed
On 25 May 2006 the Reliability Panel (Panel) published its final determination on the reliability standards that apply in Tasmania from the commissioning of Basslink; and the frequency standards that will apply in Tasmania from the 29 May 2007.
As a component of the comprehensive reliability review, the Panel was required to determine:
- the reliability standards that apply in Tasmania from the commissioning of Basslink; and
- the frequency standards that will apply in Tasmania from 29 May 2007.
Under clause 9.49.3 of the National Electricity Rules, the Panel is required to publish its determination by no later than 29 May 2006.
In making its determination the Panel is required to seek advice from NEMMCO. NEMMCO's advice appears below.
The Panel published its draft determination on Friday 24 March 2006 and invited submissions on the draft from interested parties. Submissions closed on Wednesday 26 April 2006. The Panel also held a meeting on the draft determination on 21 April 2006 in Hobart, Tasmania. The meeting was open to NEM Registered Participants.
The Panel published its final determination on 25 May 2006.