Market Review: Completed
The Reliability Panel has completed its review of the template for generator compliance programs. On 27 June 2012, the Panel published a final report and the revised template.The template was initially developed by the Panel in 2009. The Panel has made some minor amendments as a result of this review to improve the template's ease of use, clarify the template's purpose and clarify specific provisions within the template.
Generators are required to modify their compliance programs to ensure they are consistent with amendments to the template by no later than six months after the amended template is published (by 27 December 2012). As the amendments are minor, the Panel considers the changes to the template will not have significant operational impacts on participants.
The Panel has provided the template in three formats: a PDF version, which is the controlled document; a MS Word version to enable easier copying of material; and a change-marked version to highlight changes made to the 2009 template.
The template for generator compliance programs provides clarity to generators by defining an appropriate compliance framework to assist generators with developing compliance programs to meet their relevant technical requirements. The template also assists the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) with the enforcement and monitoring of generators' compliance with the technical requirements under the National Electricity Rules (rules).
The template was established by the Panel in 2009 in accordance with the requirements under the rules. The rules also require that the template be reviewed at least once every three years to provide opportunities for its improvement and to ensure that it remains consistent with the rules.
On 22 November 2011, the Panel received terms of reference from the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) to carry out the first three-yearly review of the template by 31 July 2012.
On 21 December 2011, the Panel published an issues paper providing background to the relevant matters and outlining specific questions to facilitate consultation. Submissions on the issues paper closed on 8 February 2012.
On 28 March 2012, the Panel published the draft report. In its draft decision, the Panel proposed to make some minor amendments to the template to clarify its application. Submissions on the draft report closed on 2 May 2012.
On 16 May 2012, the Panel held a public meeting involving members of the Panel, AEMC staff and 11 stakeholders to discuss comments on the draft report.
In making its final decision, the Panel took into account stakeholder issues raised in submissions on the issues paper, the draft report and in the public meeting.