Market Review: Completed


The Reliability Panel (Panel) has published a report on the annual market performance review (AMPR) 2015. The report examines the performance of the National Electricity Market (NEM) from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 in terms of reliability, security and safety of the power system.
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The Reliability Panel (Panel) has published a report on the annual market performance review (AMPR) 2015. The report examines the performance of the National Electricity Market (NEM) from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 in terms of reliability, security and safety of the power system.

The publication of the final report followed release of a draft report for public consultation on 16 June 2016. Stakeholders were also given the opportunity to request a public meeting on the draft report. One stakeholder submission was received on the draft report. There were no requests to hold a public meeting.


Each year, the Panel undertakes a review of the performance of the power system in the NEM. To fulfil its obligations under the National Electricity Rules and an AEMC standing terms of reference, the Panel assesses performance in terms of reliability, security and safety of the power system for the purpose of the review.

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Reliability Panel documents