The Northern Gas Pipeline (NGP) is a 622 km transmission pipeline that links Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory to Mount Isa in Queensland. The project, also known as the North East Gas Interconnector, was awarded to Jemena by the Northern Territory Government in 2015. Construction of the NGP was completed in 2018 with first commercial operations commencing in January 2019.
The NGP is a 12-inch pipeline with a nameplate capacity of 106 TJ/day and all gas supplied onto the NGP must currently pass through the Phillip Creek Compressor Station, which has a nameplate capacity of 90 TJ/day. It is owned and operated by Jemena Northern Gas Pipeline Pty Ltd (ABN 12 607 928 790)
The NGP is a non-scheme pipeline. The NGP has a 15 year derogation from Chapter 6A of the National Gas Law and Part 23 of the National Gas rules and is instead subject to a set of Access Principles agreed with the Northern Territory Government.