The Queensland Gas Pipeline (QGP), also known as the Wallumbilla to Gladstone via Rockhampton Pipeline, is a transmission pipeline located in central Queensland. The pipeline is owned and operated by Jemena (Jemena Queensland Gas Pipeline (1) Pty Ltd ABN 97 083 050 284 and Jemena Queensland Gas Pipeline (2) Pty Ltd ABN 70 083 050 104).
The QGP is 629 km in length, and has a diameter of 114.3 mm. It has a forward haul capacity of 145 TJ/day and a southern haul capacity of 37 TJ/day.
The QGP links the Wallumbilla supply hub to large industrial gas users in Gladstone and Rockhampton. It also supplies gas to distribution networks in Gladstone, Rockhampton and the Wide Bay area. Gas is sourced from both conventional gas and coal seam gas fields located along the pipeline route in the Bowen-Surat basins and the Denison trough.
The QGP is currently a non-scheme pipeline, and is subject to the access regime for non-scheme pipelines under Chapter 6A of the NGL and Part 23 of the NGR.
The QGP was initially subject to regulation as a covered pipeline under the Gas Code by the ACCC. However, it was the subject of a Queensland Government derogation that precluded the ACCC from reviewing the reference tariff, reference tariff policy and reference service until 2016. The reference tariff was instead approved by the Queensland Minister. In passing the National Gas (Queensland) Act 2008 to implement the NGR, the Queensland Government also passed a regulation that, among other things, specified that the QGP was not a covered pipeline and that coverage could not be sought for the first three years after the NGR commenced in Queensland.
The QGP was commissioned in 1989 and was initially owned and operated by Duke Energy. Ownership passed to Alinta in 2004 and, then in 2007, to Jemena Gas Networks. The pipeline was expanded in 2010, with additional compression at Rolleston and Banana and looping from Moura to Bell Creek. A further smaller looping expansion was undertaken in 2014.