QLD: North Queensland Gas Pipeline

QLD: North Queensland Gas Pipeline

The North Queensland Gas Pipeline (NQGP), also known as the Moranbah to Townsville Gas Pipeline, is a transmission pipeline located in north-east Queensland. The pipeline is owned by Palisade and is operated by AGL and Arrow Energy through a jointly owned company called EIM.

The NQGP is 391 km in length, has a diameter of 304 mm and a capacity of 108 TJ/day. 
The NQGP supplies gas from the Moranbah gas processing plant to large industrial customers in Townsville, such as the Yabulu gas fired power station and the Queensland nickel and copper refineries. The gas is sourced from coal seam gas fields in the Bowen basin which are located near Moranbah and are jointly owned by AGL and Arrow Energy.

The NQGP is currently a non-scheme pipeline, and is subject to the access regime for non-scheme pipelines under Part 10 of the National Gas Rules (NGR). It was previously subject to the access regime for non-scheme pipelines under the former Part 23 of the NGR, which was replaced by Part 10.

On 29 October 2018, the AER granted five year Category 2 and Category 3 exemptions under Part 23 of the NGR for the NQGP. The AER revoked the Category 2 exemption on 24 May 2021.

The NQGP was constructed in 2004 by Enertrade (a Queensland government owned corporation). In 2007, AGL and Arrow Energy (each with a 50 per cent interest) acquired Enertrade’s assets that included the NQGP and the Yabulu power station. The NQGP was subsequently sold to Victorian Funds Management Corporation in 2008, which then sold the NQGP to Palisade in 2015.  

Pipeline details






108 TJ/day








391 km

Gas Type:

Natural gas

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Title Date Documents
North Queensland Gas Pipeline Description Pipeline description
Revocation of category 2 Part 23 exemption - North Queensland Gas Pipeline 2021-05-21 Revocation of category 2 Part 23 exemption - North Queensland Gas Pipeline
North Queensland Gas Pipeline - Map Revocation of category 2 Part 23 exemption - North Queensland Gas Pipeline
AER letter to Palisade re NQGP 29 October 2018 2018-10-29 Revocation of category 2 Part 23 exemption - North Queensland Gas Pipeline
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