QLD: Hillview Pipeline

QLD: Hillview Pipeline

The Hillview Pipeline (previously Peabody Mitsui Gas Pipeline) is a transmission pipeline located in south-east Queensland. The pipeline is owned by Anglo American Metallurgical Coal Pty Ltd.

The pipeline is 23 km in length and has a capacity of 50 TJ/day. It connects the Moura mine (now known as the Dawson mine) to the Queensland Gas Pipeline and the Queensland Nitrates plant near the town of Moura in central Queensland. Gas is supplied from coal seam gas drainage operations at the mine.

The Hillview Pipeline is currently a non-scheme pipeline, and is subject to the access regime for non-scheme pipelines under Part 10 of the National Gas Rules (NGR). It was previously subject to the access regime for non-scheme pipelines under the former Part 23 of the NGR, which was replaced by Part 10.

The AER has granted the following exemptions for the Hillview Pipeline:

  • On 18 May 2018, a five year Category 1 and Category 2 exemption under Part 23 of the NGR.
  • On 12 July 2023, a five year Category 1 exemption under Part 10 of the NGR.

The Hillview pipeline was initially a covered pipeline under the Gas Code when that regime commenced in 1997. However, no access arrangement was submitted to, or approved by, the ACCC (the relevant regulator at the time). In 2000, the Hillview Pipeline’s coverage under the Gas Code was revoked by the Commonwealth minister as recommended by the National Competition Council (NCC).

The Hillview Pipeline was constructed in 1996 by BHP Mitsui Coal Pty Limited. In 1999, the Moura Joint Venture, consisting of Peabody Moura Investments Pty Ltd (51 per cent interest) and Mitsui Investment Pty Ltd (49 per cent interest), acquired the pipeline and the mine. In 2002, Anglo American Metallurgical Coal Pty Ltd purchased Peabody Moura’s interest in the Moura Joint Venture. In 2010, Westside Corporation Limited completed the aquisition of Anglo America's 51% operating stake in the Dawason CSG fields (since renamed Meridian SeamGas).

Pipeline details






50 TJ/day



Additional Regulation:

Category 1


WestSide Corporation


WestSide Corporation


23 km

Gas Type:

Natural gas

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Title Date Documents
Ministers decision on revocation of coverage 2000-11-23 Coverage decision
Final recommendation on revocation of coverage - NCC 2000-11-01 Coverage decision
Part 23 exemption - Hillview Pipeline 2018-05-18 Coverage decision
Hillview Pipeline previously known as Peabody Mitsui Pipeline - Map Coverage decision
Part 10 Exemption - Hillview Pipeline 2023-07-12 Part 10 Exemption
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