
Start Time:
9:30 am AEDT
End Time:
11:30 am AEDT

The Reliability Panel will be holding a public forum for the Review of the Frequency operating standard on Thursday 15 December between 9.30 am and 11.30 am (AEDT). This public forum will follow on from the publication of a draft determination on 8 December 2022.

The frequency operating standard defines the range of allowable frequency for the power system under different conditions, including normal operation as well as after events that occur that can impact the power system. 

The review is examining the appropriateness of the settings in light of the ongoing energy market transformation, as conventional synchronous generation is progressively replaced by inverter-based technologies such as wind, solar and batteries. 

The agenda for the public forum will encompass: 

  • An overview of the Panel’s draft determination
  • A presentation by GHD advisory on the findings from the analysis and advice it undertook to inform the Panel’s draft determination.
  • A presentation by AEMO on its  technical advice to the Panel.
  • Opportunities for stakeholder Q&A.

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