The Panel is comprised of members who represent a range of participants in the national electricity market, including consumer groups, generators, network businesses, retailers and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).
Panel members are selected on the basis of their direct interests in the reliability of electricity supply and the process set out under the National Electricity Rules (NER). Consideration is also given to balancing Panel membership representation according to geographical location and participating jurisdictions.
The AEMC appoints members to the Panel for a period of up to three years. Members are appointed in consultation with industry, end use consumers and consumer groups.
Members who are appointed to represent ‘Registered Participants’ must be agreed to by at least one third of the category of Registered Participant they represent (for example, generator, market customer, network service provider).
The NER require that the Panel is comprised of the following membership:
- An AEMC Commissioner (appointed for three years);
- The Chief Executive Officer or delegate of AEMO;
- Four members that represent Registered Participants including:
- Generators;
- Market Customers;
- Transmission Network Service Providers (TNSP);
- Distribution Network Service Providers (DNSP);
- A person representing the interests of end use customers for electricity.
The AEMC has some discretion to appoint up to three members who may have expertise in areas that are not otherwise represented by other Panel members.
Current panel members
Tim Jordan (Chair)
Organisation: Australian Energy Market Commission
Market Segment: AEMC
Mr Jordan, Commissioner at the AEMC, is an economist with more than 15 years’ experience in the energy transition. He has worked across corporate strategy, investment and public policy in energy and climate change and has held senior roles in management consulting, at the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, at Deutsche Bank, and in the Australian Government. Tim has a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Queensland. He also has an MPhil from University College London, where he was a Commonwealth Scholar, and a Master of Economics from the University of Sydney.
Term expiry: 30 June 2025
Rainer Korte (Acting Chair)
Organisation: Australian Energy Market Commission
Market Segment: AEMC
Mr Korte, Commissioner at the AEMC, has extensive senior leadership experience in the electricity industry. He has overseen the delivery of safe, reliable, and sustainable electricity transmission services to customers, while leading key energy transformation initiatives in South Australia. This includes 14 years of executive responsibility for the planning and development of the South Australian electricity transmission network to meet customer demand and support the integration of world leading levels of variable renewable energy resources. Throughout his career, Mr Korte has been at the forefront of addressing challenges related to the transition to a low-carbon energy future, balancing the needs for system security, reliability, and affordability.
Term expiry: 30 June 2025
Stewart Bell
Organisation: Executive General Manager Network and Business Development at Powerlink Queensland
Market segment: Transmission Network Service Providers
With over three decades of experience in the electricity industry experience Dr Bell has been responsible for planning the Queensland transmission network since 2012. During his tenure, Powerlink has enabled over 7GW of renewable generation and storage projects. Dr Bell is presently the Executive General Manager Network and Business Development at Powerlink Queensland.
Term expiry: 29 May 2027
Joel Gilmore
Organisation: General Manager Regulation & Energy Policy, Iberdrola Australia
Market segment: Discretionary
Dr Joel Gilmore is the General Manager Energy Policy & Planning at Iberdrola Australia, with over a decade of experience in market design, market modelling, and technical and economic analysis of integrating renewable energy into the grid. In addition to engaging on policy design, he also leads Iberdrola’s long-term market modelling team and develops business cases for both renewable and firming assets. He was previously a Senior Manager at EY/ROAM Consulting, managing projects such as modelling and design for the Victorian Renewable Energy Target, and has held roles with Queensland Government and AEMO. Joel is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at Griffith University Business School, has published in international peer-reviewed journals in both physics and energy, and is a passionate science communicator across a range of media.
Term expiry: 30 June 2025
Ken Harper
Organisation: Group Manager Operational Support, AEMO
Market segment: AEMO
Ken Harper is Group Manager - Operational Support at AEMO, responsible for operational forecasting, planning power system operations up to seven days ahead, congestion and grid modelling, and training of gas and electricity operators. He has more than 25 years’ experience in developing, analysing and operating energy trading operations, having worked at Marsden Jacob Associates, Alinta Energy, Delta Electricity, Snowy Hydro, Red Energy and EnergyAustralia.
Term expiry: N/A
Craig Memery
Organisation: Senior Advisor, Energy and Water Justice, Justice and Equity Centre (formerly known as PIAC)
Market segment: End use customer of electricity
Craig Memery has represented energy users for the last decade, and now leads the Justice and Equity Centre's (formerly known as PIAC) Energy and Water Consumer Advocacy Program. The program promotes access to affordable, sustainable energy and water for NSW households, through improvements in policy, regulation and markets that benefit all energy users and targeted supporting measures for people facing hardship and disadvantage. Mr Memery is also a board member of the Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW and Co-chair, NSW Government Renewable Energy Sector Board.
Term expiry: 30 Jun 2026
Melissa Perrow
Organisation: General Manager Energy at Brickworks Limited
Market segment: Discretionary
Melissa is the General Manager Energy at Brickworks Limited. She is responsible for managing the energy needs as a large user of electricity and gas. Melissa has 20 years of wholesale energy trading experience gained across electricity, gas, carbon and green markets having previously worked for Origin Energy and AGL. She holds a Bachelor in Applied Science, a Bachelor of Business, a Graduate Diploma in Technology and a Post Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance
Term expiry: 30 September 2027
Peter Price
Organisation: Chief Engineer at Energy Queensland
Market segment: Distribution Network Service Providers
Peter Price is the Head of Corporate Strategy and Executive General Manager Asset Safety and Performance at Energy Queensland. Peter is responsible for leading Energy Queensland’s engineering and asset management strategies, which includes the safe and efficient management of the Group’s electricity distribution networks.
Prior to joining Energy Queensland, Peter was a member of Energex’s executive management team for ten years. His career with Energex included managing and leading capital planning and program delivery, asset management, procurement, regulatory issues and the growth of new commercial businesses.
Term expiry: 30 September 2027
Damien Sanford
Organisation: Executive General Manager, Tilt Renewables.
Market segment: Generators
Damien Sanford is the Executive General Manager of Operations at Tilt Renewables. Mr Sanford is responsible for the asset management, generation and trading of Tilt Renewables existing 1.7 GW portfolio of generation across QLD, NSW, Victoria and SA. He has more than two decades of experience in the energy sector and has held senior positions in infrastructure development, energy grid and market operations, and business development. Mr Sanford has a Bachelor of Business Management from Southern Cross University and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Term expiry: 1 June 2026
Rachele Williams
Organisation: Plenary Group
Market Segment: Discretionary
Rachele Williams is a Director, at the Plenary Group. Ms Williams has over 20 years of experience working in both industry and government in the energy sector including roles as Senior Energy Adviser for the Energy Security Board (ESB), Senior Adviser to the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction and CEO associated at TransGrid. She specialises in innovation and has extensive experience in emerging technology and has worked on fuel cell, small-scale wind turbines, distributed energy and storage projects. Ms Williams holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wollongong and a Master’s degree in Engineering Management from the University of Technology, Sydney.
Term expiry: 29 September 2025