Opportunity costs claim
Status of compensation claim: Withdrawn
On 23 June 2022, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) received notification of a claim for compensation under clause 3.14.6 of the National Electricity Rules (NER) from EnergyAustralia Pty Ltd (EnergyAustralia). This followed the application of the administered price cap during an administered price period in Queensland between 12 June 2022 and 13 June 2022.
EnergyAustralia is claiming compensation for opportunity costs incurred in operating Mount Piper Power Station during the administered price period.
EnergyAustralia provided information in support of its claim on 28 September 2023.
Commencement of formal assessment
On 16 May 2024, the AEMC formally commenced assessment of the opportunity costs claim made by EnergyAustralia under clause 3.14.6 of the NER.
Under the NER, the AEMC has 35 business days to publish the claimant’s proposed methodology for determining its opportunity costs, the draft opportunity cost methodology the AEMC proposes to use in determining those costs, and an invitation for written submissions to be made to the AEMC on the draft opportunity cost methodology.
The statutory notice of commencement is published below.
The Commission has published its draft opportunity cost methodology
In accordance with the NER, the AEMC has published its draft opportunity cost methodology (DOCM) for EnergyAustralia’s opportunity cost claim. Submissions closed on 25 July 2024.
Withdrawal of claim by claimant
On 24 July 2024 EnergyAustralia notified the AEMC that it is withdrawing its claim.